11 April 2015

VEDA Day 9 - Resolutions

Hello there happy little people,

So I am fully aware that it is now the middle of April but I have only just got back into vlogging and blogging and shtuff so I have decided that I should make a really late Resolutions blog/vlog.

Im going to be doing this in a slightly different way as I was originally inspired to do my video in the kind of way I did by TheKingBeth (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheKingBeth) as I thought it was such a lovely way to do a resolutions video. She talked about her highlights from 2014 and then went on to talk about her resolutions for 2015 so, thats kinda what I'm gonna do now, in no particular order might I add :)

Highlights from 2014:

  • I spent the February and Easter holidays exploring around where I used to live as I was moving house at the end of Easter so I felt like it was my last chance to really do it.
  • Which kinda relates to this one, when I was leaving my old town I wanted to do something really special for my last night there so I decided to have a picnic. Not just anyone, one at night, up by the caste so I could watch the stars with my friends. Oh, and I managed to bring and have dominoes pizza for the last time because where I live now they don't deliver to :(
  • And I guess moving house was also a highlight. I have never properly moved houses before so it was an experience at least. 
  • Built up the courage to finally dye my hair purple - I had been wanting to do it for about a year and I actually really really loved it, might do it again this summer
  • I never thought I would be able to say this but I was actually a bridesmaid last year! It was such a lovely experience to be able to watch my dad get married to the woman he loved (and being on a Florida beach also helped aha)
  • I got the chance to see one of my most favourite people in two of my most favourite musicals. I got to see Carrie Hope Fletcher in both Les Mis in London and War of the Worlds in Glasgow which was amazing.
  • Everytime I happen to drive past a mountain (or munro as they're called in Scotland) I have always wished I was fit enough to climb one, but last year I actually did it! I climbed to the top of Ben Lomond and although we couldn't see much from the top due to the clouds it was one of the proudest feelings I have ever felt.
  • Got to spend almost every moment of the year with the person I love the most. He really does mean everything to me and it was fantastic just being able to spend so much time getting to know him and just living life with him beside me.
  • Which leaves me onto my next highlight, I had my first ever one year anniversary with my gorgeously amazing boyfriend, Gary. I can't wait till the next one dearie.

Resolutions for 2015:
  • Restart my YouTube channel - which I can tick off :)
  • Start writing a blog - which I can definitely tick off aha
  • Pass my exams, I have really hard exams this year and I'm so nervous for them, way more nervous than any other years because I think I'm really gonna struggle to pass so actually passing would be a great achievement
  • Save more and spend less - I always fall for pretty and more importantly cheap clothes from Primark but I really need to stop spending and start saving for Uni 
  • Do more of what makes me happy like reading, singing and drawing. I have had to really put all these things aside as I did all my exams and I really want to do more of it.
  • Do some gardening before I move out. I will be moving out of my new house to go to uni soon but I love gardening and I really want to help my mum make our garden loo pretty before I leave.
  • Be more self-confident. I have lost a lot of the confidence I have gained over the past 5 years, this year. Gary says I'm getting better but I feel like I'm getting more anxious in crowds of strangers - even in crowds of people I know to be honest.  So I'm hoping that when I go to uni that I will meet "my people". I'm planning to join the Harry Potter society for one so that should help me aha
  • And finally just be happier. Take care of myself more. Smile more. Worry less. 

If I think of any more things I will probably add them to this list. But this will do for now. I just want to say thank you to everyone who taught me things this year. Good or bad. I learn from everything.

I hope you are having a wonderful day and that you have stuck to a few of your resolutions. 

Hev xx


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