11 April 2015

VEDA Day 10 - Alpaca Avenue

Hello little happy people,

Today I bring you a little video of my trip to an Alpaca farm today! 
Well it wasn't really an alpaca farm rather than a countryside place with lots of alpaca. And donkeys. And chickens. And loooooaaaads of doggies. And so naturally I filmed and took a load of pretty photos which of course I will share with you all :)

Basically my Uncle was up with his partner to visit the family and his partner likes to knit. My gran had bought her some alpaca wool from the lady who owned all these alpaca but it wasn't enough for my uncles partner to complete her jumper. So when they came up to visit, my gran decided to take us all a trip to the place where the lady keeps the alpaca. And whilst we were there we found out quite alot.

Most of the animals she has are more rare breeds. The first animals we were introduced to (apart from all the doggies who couldn't wait to meet new people) were these two mahoosive but gorgeous Poitou Donkeys. They are the only two of this breed in Scotland which was really cool to see. In 1977 there were only 44 registered pure bred Poitou Donkeys left in the world but conservation efforts managed to boost their numbers up to 450 pure bred donkeys by 2005. 

We then moved onto see the ordinary donkeys but along the way we saw a couple of Falabella horses. And the really interesting thing is that they can't actually be classed as Falabella horses unless they are directly related to the original horses from Falabella Farm in Argentina. I remember being obsessed with these miniature cuties when I was younger :3

We finally managed to prise ourselves away from the pinsized ponies and met the super friendly donkeys. They were honestly THE most friendly donkeys I have ever met. When we walked into their paddock they instantly came trotting over to say hello. This one lovely grey mare decided that I was exactly the kind of friend she had always wanted and kept giving me donkey eskimo kisses and booping her muzzle to me :3

And after getting the nicest of donkey kisses we moved on to see the main event. The alpaca. They were all so adorable and fluffy and cute and had silly little pouty faces. An interesting fact that I learnt about alpaca is that alpaca hum to each other and if an alpaca doesn't hum back, they can die from stress. So it is always advised that you keep a minimum of three alpaca so that they can all keep each other company. Another weird thing that the lady had found out is that the alpaca (or at least the ones she keeps) will never, ever give birth in the rain. Which must be difficult for them living in Scotland since it rains most days.

Following around the whole day was this lovely pack of various variations of sheepdogs who constantly wanted to have a game of fetch with us. What was really interesting though was that not all the dogs wanted to catch the ball. Some of the dogs watched other dogs to chase them, some chased after & caught the ball and then there was one who would always return the ball and start the game all over again. The lady who owned them all actually takes them to Kennel Club agility shows and so in her garden she had all the agility apparatus out. I have always thought that my dog, Moss, would be great at agility. But maybe he would be too interested in the food you use to train/encourage them round the course and would never leave my side which is a great possibility. However, the dogs here were gorgeous collies and Australian sheepdogs who were very advanced in their level of agility.

So all in all I had a wonderful day out in the sun taking pretty photos of pretty animals and being cuddled by a donkey has to have been one of the best experiences ever. That and being hugged by a baby kangaroo. But that is a story for another day perhaps. :)

I hope you are having a wonderful day,

Hev xx


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