15 April 2015

VEDA Day 12 - Sibling Tag

Hello little happy people,

Today I bring you, the Sibling Tag!

Now I couldn't find an official set of questions so I found two different ones and mooshed the questions into one tag. 

1. Who is the oldest?
I am the oldest at my grand age of 17 years young where as Keir will be 13 this year.

2. What do you like/dislike about each other?
Apparently I am unsociable because I don't talk to him much, but he lies when I am happy and being friendly. Keir is quite messy and lazy but he often buys me food which is always a good thing :) 

3. What do you and your sibling have in common?
I would say that we are equally as geeky. We love Doctor Who, Sherlock, LOTR, GOT, Disney and Studio Ghibli. We also both have quite a big passion for art and animals. 

4. Funniest memory?
My funniest memory is when we were younger and Keir thought that Ferrets could fly. I had mentioned that one day I would like a ferret and Keir was very confused at where I would keep my pet ferret as surely it would be able to fly off. Keir couldn't think of any particularly funny story about me but said I have a lot of funny moments.

5. Most memorable argument?
Keir was once being a pain so I told him to go to his room. When he refused he locked himself in the bathroom instead. When I tried to reason with him through the door he had a tantrum and flung a brush at the window above the door, smashing the glass right next to my face. I then had scratches over my face and everyone thought I had been attacked by a cat.

6. What do you and your siblings do for fun?
We don't spend that much time together but when we do were probably playing a video game or are in town eating McDonalds.

7. Describe each other in one word?
Keir says I am hilarious, which I guess is a good thing. I said lazy in the video but the word I thought of now which suits better is sedentary. 

8. Do you like their friends?
Keir has alright friends. His two best friends are really funny and well behaved so we all get on quite well if they are over. Keir said he likes all of my friends too which is good.

9. Favourite inside joke?
We don't really have any main inside jokes but we frequently make jokes surrounding Game of Thrones or just making fun of each other in general, that's what siblings are for right?

10. Post the earliest photo you have of you and your sibling?
This is a photo of myself and Keir in Cardiff when we went on holiday to the Doctor Who exhibition. Keir would have been turning 5 and I would have been 9. My mum probably has older photos of us but this is the earliest one on my computer. 

11. Any nicknames?
When Keir was little he used to call me Heddy and we would call him Keekeepoo. Now my nickname has evolved in Hev but his has stuck :P

12. Most cherished moment?
A couple of years ago we had a fantastic start to the summer when our Granny took us on a surprise holiday with her around Scotland and we visited loads of beaches and sea towns and the Falkirk Wheel and little petting farms. The best thing was that Keir and I stayed friends for the majority of the holiday 

13. Are you close?
Even though we don't talk that often I would say in general we are quite close. Although I would never tell Keir any kind of secret as he is the type of person who thinks after he talks and would just blurt out stuff.

14. One thing you can do that your sibling can't?
I can sit still. I don't get as bored so quickly. I can sew. I can make a fantastic raspberry and white chocolate sponge cake. 
He can eat lots and lots and lots of food and still be hungry. He can make a good banana bread. 

15. who is the best looking?
I will let you guys decide but clearly it is my beautiful face ;)

16. Who is the most creative?
This was quite a difficult question as we are both quite creative. We both draw and do art alot although he does more sketching where as I take ages to make everything perfect in my drawings. We both love singing and writing stories in school. Keir actually used to go to drama classes so he is more confident in that respect. However, this year I built up the confidence to audition for our school show and now have 3 parts and am Head of Scenery Development which is pretty awesome. 

Anyways this was just a fun little tag video to introduce you all to my crazy little brother. I hope you enjoyed and please do check out my videos and check out my other blog posts. I hope you are having a wonderful day,

Hev xx


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