23 April 2015

VEDA Day 21 - My Life is a Jigsaw Puzzle

Hello there happy little people,

A few months ago I bought a couple of posters by Candice (CandySomething on YouTube) and only now have I started to really think about what one of them mean.

In my video I got extremely side tracked and made no sense just rambling on. And I'm not promising this will be any better.

Basically why I think this appealed to me so much is that I always forget that in the end, everything will come together and sometimes it is difficult to see the big picture when you are staring at each individual piece trying to figure it all out from there.

The puzzle piece is a very important shape when comparing it to life. They are never perfect. The have outy bits and inny bits, they can have round and straight corners, they can be small and skinny or large and wide. But in the end, everything fits perfectly. Just like how life can throw you events or people with good and bad things, but in the end, everything will be fine.

If you imagine that each piece of "your puzzle" is a piece of your personality, things you have done in the past, events that have happened to you, people you meet, people who leave, things you stumble across while looking for something else. Now imagine how everything has shaped you to be you as you are now. Just like a puzzle every little thing, no matter if it was a plain brown piece you thought was uninteresting and unimportant, adds up to create the final completed puzzle. And sometimes its the plain boring little pieces that make up the majority of the puzzle and the exciting coloured parts are few in number. But that doesn't make any piece more or less important, it just means you need it all to be able to complete the puzzle.

Sometimes when you are doing a puzzle you can loose pieces. You might have them ready to match up with another as soon as you find it and then when you do, the original piece is gone. And sometimes you might not even know the piece exists yet, you haven't found it in the box yet and you are wondering what could be missing. But that is okay. You will find it one day. And if for some reason you can never find it, there are replacement pieces. Nothing is going to stop you from completing your puzzle. It is your puzzle and you are the only one who gets to choose how and when to complete it.

I know some people will believe that someone sets a path for us and our future is already planned. But the puzzle analogy can still work. Because the pieces of your puzzle are in the box, you just haven't got round to finding them and sorting them all out yet. Someone might have given you a puzzle to complete and you have to match up all the pieces.

For me I believe in chance. I would say luck but not in a superstitious "lucky pants" kind of way. I believe that everything is a domino effect. Or like the puzzle, once you have started matching pieces up, sometimes you go on a roll and you can suddenly find and see a load more places to put the pieces. If one thing didn't happen, another might of. For example, if I had chosen to go to a different high school I may not have ever found the most loveliest boyfriend I could ever dream of. 

When thinking along the puzzle analogy I ended up thinking of where "your puzzle" ends. But that really depends on what you are defining as "your puzzle". It could be something you are trying to learn, friendships or relationships with people or your whole life. Whether you are doing one massive puzzle or lots of little ones that will one day all match up with each other. To me I think it should be different periods of your life that in the end will all come together into one massive puzzle. 

I think the most important thing from the puzzle analogy is that we must always remember to take a step back and remind ourselves what the end goal is, just like when you are doing a jigsaw and you take a look at the photo it is meant to look like to get a rough idea of what to do. However, you can do a jigsaw without using the photo. You might not know what the big picture is actually going to look like in the end. You might just have a couple of pieces and the determination to make everything fit. In fact you might need to have a break from the puzzle and focus on other things for a while. And there is nothing wrong with any of that. It is all in the fun of doing the puzzle.

Okay I feel like I have rambled on again and I have kinda confused myself again.
Please let me know if you agree, disagree or even know what I'm on about. I would really appreciate it :)

I hope you are all having a fantastic day and no matter where you are in your puzzle I hope you complete it and you are happy with how you completed it,

Hev xx


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