7 April 2015

VEDA Day 5 - Eostre

Hello there happy little people,

So today's VEDA will be all about the goddess of Easter, Eostre or Ostara.

Now first of all I would like to clarify that I don't believe in any gods of any religion and I fully respect everyone else's decision to believe their own gods and religions. Believe what you want :) 

Okay so Eostre is a Pagan goddess of fertility and spring. 

The goddess was first mentioned by St.Bede in De temporum ratione : 

Bede, c.700
Eostur-monath has a name which is now translated Paschal month, and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated in that month. Now they designate that Paschal season by her name, calling the joys of the new rite by the time-honoured name of the old observance

However, when researchers tried to find out more about this goddess nothing up. Which could suggest that Eostre hadn't really existed before then. 

It is said that Eostre's sacred animal is a rabbit. Hence where we get the Easter Rabbit from. The story goes that there was an injured bird that became frozen after winter. Eostre found the bird and gave it it's health back. However the only way she could do that was to transform the bird into a rabbit. When the rabbit finally got back to full health it found a mate. When the rabbit finally had offspring it lay eggs because it used to be a bird. But because of the transformation the eggs were multi-coloured and bright. This, Easter eggs arrived. But this story isn't the only thing that links the Easter rabbit to Eostre. 

The rabbit is very much linked to fertility due to their fast reproductive cycles and linked to spring due the spring in their bounces and that you see them jumping in the fields at spring time. Eggs are also linked to fertility for obvious reasons and linked to spring for the chickens and garden birds that lay all their eggs ready for summer. 

Now like i said I'm not deliberating her existence or not I just found it interesting learning about a different way to celebrate Easter. So for whatever reason you're celebrating the renewal of life this year, I hope you're having a fantastic time :)

Hev xx


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