5 April 2015

VEDA Day 4 - Weird Dreams: Lunchtime At School

Hey there,

So I seem to always end up having really weird dreams. Most of which are very odd and crazy and don't make sense. However last night I had a really creepy/scary dream.

It all started with a generally regular dream about school. I was in class with my Biology teacher and the bell went for lunch. But before I left class my teacher asked if I could grab her lunch from the canteen. Now at our school (and most others I'm sure) we have a school lunch card system. But basically she didn't actually know her cards number, but she knew what numbers added up to it: 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13. Which is 225. So when we eventually work out her number I agree to get her food. 

When I leave the classroom however another little boy that I (somehow) know asks me to get his lunch too. To which he then proceeds to rummaged around in his bag to find enough change to buy him food and I agree to buy his as well. 

I eventually make it down to the canteen which for some reason has been newly renovated so I stand in the queue to get my teacher and this boy food. But when I get up to the "checkout" bit you no longer need a card to pay. Instead, to have to take a "diet drug" which is worth £5 a day to pay for the food. (I have no idea how or why this is the new alternative either). So I take the bag with the pill in it but don't take the pill and just leave. 

However, as I'm walking away I realise I have completely forgotten about my own lunch. So I put my teachers food onto a separate tray so as not to get confused and pick up my food. But then when I'm leaving the canteen that time I forgot to pick up the tray with my teachers food, I think I've lost it or it got stolen or something. I find the little boy I was to buy food for and give him his stuff and then when I'm returning to the canteen again to get more food for my teacher I manage to trip over a bag and my food goes flying. 

And so I go back to the canteen I buy more food for the teacher (because I think I lost it). However then, when I'm waiting in the queue something really weird and horrible happens. A different boy standing next to me begins to have a seizure type attack and begins to bleed from his eyes like some kind of horror movie demonic possession. He then collapses and dies within 20 seconds.

Being quite obviously scared of the event I run up the stairs to biology but for some reason the staircase is really spooky and dark. Once I reach the top floor there is a strange audience of stuffed animals and toys staring down at me from the ceiling. There was also a sign on the door saying "We are not murders..." I push the door from the staircase open and on the wall opposite me in the corridor there is another sign saying "unless you count that boy..." 

As you can imagine I was pretty terrified and spooked out so I ran to my teachers classroom and proceed to tell her everything that happened. I tell her that I thought it was those "diet drugs" that killed him and that the boy who asked me to buy his lunch had loads of stuffed toys in his bag which I saw when he was rummaging to find change. 

Then I woke up feeling very spooked, creeped and pretty frightened. 

It was possibly one of the creepiest things I have ever dreamt. I hope I don't have that dream again :/

Anyway I will write again tomorrow,

Hev xx


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