26 April 2015

VEDA Day 23 - Locked in my Bathroom

Hello there happy little people,

About a month ago I managed to get locked in my bathroom...

So I was going for a bath as usual and was (obviously) pulling the door shut so I could lock it. Now this should have already had me worried as when pulling the door I really had to yank it to manage to shut it to lock it. But as I didn't think anything of it, I locked the door and went for a lovely, cosy and enjoyable bath. 

However, when I finally finished all my bathing, I tried to pull open the door. Now normally I can just unlock and pull it open with one hand as it isn't a particularly sticky or heavy door to open. But today, I couldn't see to pull it open. After getting annoyed that it wasn't opening well I plonked down all my stuff (towel, iPod for my music, glasses, clothes etc) and tried again. But even with two hands, and pulling quite hard, I still couldn't manage to escape. I double checked I had actually unlocked the door fully and tried again. By this point my boyfriend, who, thankfully, was staying over, heard me pulling the handle and came to investigate. 

I explained what had happened and he told me to stand away from the door as he tried to push it free. He spent around 45 minutes going through an array of different techniques to get me out. He tried using his shoulder against it, kicking near the lock, unscrewing the handle, shimmying a screwdriver down the side of the door to push the catch back into the door. As he was pushing on the door, the small section of wall, around a foot wide, in between the door and the door into the cupboard in the bathroom (which houses the washing machine) began to bend. I honestly thought the wall was going to break. Eventually, he managed to burst into the bathroom and reassure me that I was now free. I genuinely thought I was going to have to stay in my bathroom and get let out by a fireman or something. 

So after all that palava, we went to bed. But, my mum came home late and went to pee after she got in (as you do when you return home from somewhere). Clearly she closed and locked the door. So after around five minutes I was awoken by her trying the door handle with no luck. Unfortunately, I had to wake up my boyfriend to help my mum escape too. It took far less time, still around 20 minutes though, to get her out as he had kinda got the knack of it by then. But without him we would have been completely trapped. 
Thank you my love :P

So the moral of this story is don't force something closed because you might end up getting trapped. And if you haven't got someone strong to bust you out, your'e gonna be stuck till someone realises and phones a fireman for you.

I hope you are having a lovely day,

Hev xx


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